24 December 2012

Another weekend


This week I had a lot of work,
my boss wants to finish the job
before the holidays but... 
the papers pile up everywhere!

Luckily the weekend came and 
I could relax myself.
On Saturday I was at home, 
doing...nothing. ( ^^) _旦~~

But today,
I decided to go to a small concert, 
in the afternoon. ☆ミ
It was a local group 
and they played rock / metal ...? 
It was ok, entertaining, 
but nothing spectacular.
Then I came home, 
I think the cold and the Christmas meal
makes me feel bad ...(ー_ー)!!
So I prefer stay at home tonight.

This is the outfit of today:

And my makeup:

And finally ...
My mother brought me this:

I have pink toilet paper xD
In a yellow bathroom ...
Let's party!

No, seriously, It hurts my eyes
every time I see it..((+_+))

And with that, I end.(*^3^)/

~☆Best wishes and Merry Christmas!~☆

1 comment:

  1. Pero qué preciosa vas dios mío... *////* el outfit es genial y perfecto... :3
    Y lo del papel de baño rosa ma'matao... xDDD

    Feliz nochebuena y Navidad para ti también!! ^^

    Un besazooo <333
