28 April 2013

My room

Hello little devils!

Today I will show you my room.
As you see,
the decor is very simple (and pink!),
I do not like very ornate rooms...
(-ω- )

In this post,
you will see my room in general,
I'll already do other entries with details:
Here we go!:

That is the area of the desktop.
my dad installed some leds
on the shelf above the Imac.
When you switch on the LEDs look like this:
I really love it! gives a very Hollywood light

This is where I sleep.
the headboard is a drawer.
Here you can see the headboard.
I have japanese magazines (like EGG or Popteen)
and other scientific outreach magazines.
Sherlock Holmes books also, I love it * _ *,
and the book I'm reading now...
British humor, I love this kind of humor hahaha
And this shelf,
I have my favorite books,
manga and stuffed animals.
(among other random things)
And yeah, the wall lamp is broken
happened when I went crazy banging
a mosquito around the room ...

I have the mirror behind the door
and next to the shelf with more random things
(which I will show you in a future XD)
There, I hung my necklaces here,
it was the only place where I could put them.
And this is my wardrove,
the door that communicates with balcony and
the auxiliar table...

So, thats all for today.
See you in the next entry!



  1. Tiaaa qué bonica!! Me gusta que sea rosa y cómo tienes organizado todo, excepto el estante encima de tu cabeza en la cama xD Le tengo manía a eso, es una tontería pero... xD
    Tienes que ser super feliz ahí dentro! Mi habitación...mejor no verla JAAJAJ!
    Un besazo!!
    (Pod cierto, por qué pijo no estás nominada en las GGA?? Mu mal)

  2. Ajaja, Gracias Miki *_*me encanta el concepto de "tienes que ser super feliz ahí dentro!" XDXD

  3. es super maca!!!!!!!!la tens molt ben parada m'agrada!!!

