20 May 2014

"Random" things

Hey little devils!

I'm still alive, or I think so... The truth is that I'm too lazy to update the blog, so this post is a collection of entries that I should have done ...

1. Random day, I went out to dinner with Yukina.
 Outfit, hair and stuff:

2. Another day with Yukina, we were bored and we decided to makeup as manbas:

3. Finally Laia came back from Tokyo! I am very happy that she's here again. We (Laia, Poza, Cris and I)  met up for a walk and to catch up:

And my outfit boho / hippy / spiritualXD random:

I've been doing more things but as always, I forget to take pictures .... so the entry ends here hahahaha



  1. Un placer estar por aquí y ver lo guaposa que eres!!
    Me encantan tus outfits y todo todito!
    Yukina está genial como siempre y Laia igual <3 <3
    Un besin :3

  2. Me encanta como ibais Yukina y vos en el primer outfit <3 Por favor, que estilazo tenéis las dos!
    Y cuando vi en FB las fotos en jamba <3 AMOR TOTAL! Ya probaré yo algún día jaja

  3. Eres la más total de todas <3

  4. This post is a great idea Lol I have stuff I wanted to post but didn't.I love the boho look.d=(´▽`)=b

  5. enamorada de tu pelo estoy !!! el dia que yo consiga arreglarmelo la mitad de bien me daré con un canto enlos dients XDD
