17 March 2013

Love me or leave me at LONDON ♥

Hello little devils!

First of all sorry for update so late....
lately I've been busy.

The past weekend I was in London.

I love the city, the people, the lifestyle,
but hate the time ...
always rains so much?
Every morning,
I did my hair style and make up perfectly ,
and after 5 minutes
everything was going to ruin ...

Here's an example:

I would like to live there for a while,
Perhaps soon?
I will not bore you with pictures of the trip,
most are buildings, monuments and objects.
So I prefer put pictures of my purchases

I bought very few things
because I'm saving for Japan ...

Every time there is less for my trip to Japan.
I'm nervous. Very nervous.o(>< )o
I have wanted to be there
and time goes slowly.

I have thought up a post about my room,
What do you think?

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Creo que todas hemos vuelto asqueadas con la humedad de Londres XD yo venia de Sheffield y ya me habia resignado a conseguir un peinado decente, asi que iba de guiri despeinada loca (?). Total, gastar tiempo para que dure ná y menos...pero la verdad es que la visita a Londres lo merece, hay taaantas cosas tan bonitas de ver y tantas cosas por comprar x.x me encantan tus compras!
